Agreement-offer for remote consulting services

1. general provisions.

1.1 This public agreement (here -Offer) is an official offer of IE Kochkurova A.V. (further -the Executor), and contains all essential conditions of remote#consulting services rendering, the list of which is published in the Internet at

1.2. In accordance with item 2 of article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (here Civil Code of the Russian Federation) this document is a public offer and in case the conditions set forth below are accepted and payment for the services provided by The person accepting the services rendered by the Provider becomes a Customer in accordance with point 3 of Article 438 of the Russian Federation Civil Code. Acceptance of the offer is tantamount to concluding an agreement in compliance with the terms set forth in the Offer.

1.3. By payment for services the Customer guarantees that he has read and accepted all terms of the Offer as they are stated in the text of this Offer, as well as he is familiar with the prices for the services stated at Contractor's Website

1.4 In case of choosing the services in person, which will be inferred from the information place on the site of the the present offer will not be valid,and a separate contract will be signed on the consulting face to the facilities in person.

2.2 Terms and Definitions.

2.1 Acceptance of the offer - complete and unconditional acceptance of the offer by the Client's actions of advance payment for the consulting services provided remotely. Acceptance of the offer creates the Offer Agreement.

2.2 The Offer Agreement is an agreement between the Provider and the Customer for remote consulting services rendering, which is concluded by accepting the Offer.

2.3 The Client - a person who has accepted the Offer and is the Client.

2.4. the Offer -the present document of the Offer Agreement for remote consulting services rendering by the Contractor, published in the Internet at the address: (here - "Site").

3. Subject matter of the Agreement.

3.1 The subject of the present Offer is paid rendering of remote consulting services by the Contractor by means of consultations or practices (hereinafter - "Services"), in order, provided by the present Offer.

3.2. The Customer confirms that before conclusion of the Agreement (acceptance of this Offer) he received from the Executor all the information about terms, procedure of services rendering.

3.3. The Customer confirms that the result of the services within the framework of the present Offer will be the actions of the Contractor in consultation or practice in form of online broadcasting on the Internet.

3.4 The list of thematic consultations or practices is located on the website.

3.5. The Provider has the right to change terms of this public offer unilaterally at anytime without previous# agreement with the Customer, providing the publication of changed terms in Internet at Site specified in item 2.1 of this offer.

4. Assurances and warranties of the Parties.

4.1. The Client certifies and warrants that he has the legal rights to enter into contractual relations with the Contractor and has reached the age of 18 years.

5. Order and Terms of Service#rendering

5.1 In accordance with the terms of the Offer the Executor undertakes to provide the services and the Customer undertakes to pay for them.

5.2 Types and names, term of rendering, cost and other characteristics of the services provided are# published on the Executor's# website in appropriate#sections.

5.3. After the conclusion of the Agreement and making 100% prepayment of the cost of the rendered Services the Executor renders the Services to the Customer in the following forms:

- in the form of online broadcasting through the internet resource or with the use of software agreed between the Contractor and the Customer. After payment for the Services the Customer will be contacted by the Executor to coordinate the details of rendering the services online, including the choice of the software for online communication of the Parties. Any copying, saving, posting, publishing of the recordings, including but not limited to personal computers, electronic devices, servers, sites, video hosting, electronic and internet resources is prohibited, except for the use for personal purposes only.

5.4 The Services shall be rendered by the Executor only on conditions of payment in advance made by the Customer in accordance with terms of the present Offer.

5.5 In case it#is#not# possible# to provide the Services in the# appointed time, the Executor is# obliged to#not#notify#the# Customer# one# working# day#before# the stated date and#nbspschedule#the# services for#nbsp another#time. The notification will be done by publishing the respective information on Site/in#nbspthe#social#netnels, by# text messaging, verbally by phone which the Client informs when# paying for the Services or in any other way chosen by the Executor.

5.6. If the Customer fails to come in time connect to online broadcasting or otherwise fail#to get in# touch and did not give notice at# least 2 (two) days before the beginning of#nbsp service, the Service is considered# rendered and not transferred to another time.

6. Order of payment.

6.1 Payment for the Services is made by paying 100% prepayment.

6.2. The Customer has right to pay for the services in any of#any of ways: depositing money in#the# cash desk or transferring to the account of the Executor.

6.3. If the Client has paid for the Services and cannot accept them, the Client shall warn the Executor about this in written form by sending a letter to the email specified in the present Offer at least#n;2 (two) days before beginning of the Services. Otherwise the funds are not refundable and are not transferred to payment for other Services.

7. Obligations of the Parties.

7.1 The Customer undertakes:

7.1.1 Pay for the Services in the manner provided for in the Offer.

7.1.2 Ensure timely and complete fulfillment of all requirements, timely appearance and attendance of the consultation or practice provided by the schedule;

7.1.3. Provide the Contractor with all the information and data specified in# this clause, necessary for performance of his obligations under# this Agreement.

Provide the Contractor with his personal data: name, surname, date of birth, telephone number, e-mail address. The Client consents to the Contractor's processing of such data and use them for the Contractor's newsletters via email and sms-messages. The Executor undertakes obligations to maintain confidentiality of the Customer's personal data. The Client also gives his full consent to receive messages from the Contractor via email and SMS, including advertising messages, at the same time that he consents to the processing of his personal data.

7.1.4. Independently provide the technical possibility to use the Services of the Executor from# his# own# side, namely:

- proper access to the internet;

-#availability of software compatible with the transmission of the information from the Executor and other necessary facilities.

7.1.5. To strictly and unconditionally observe the following Rules of Conduct when receiving the Services remotely (online):

-#To observe discipline and generally accepted norms of behavior, in particular, to show respect to the Contractor and other Customers, in case of group consultation or practice, not encroach on their honor and dignity;

-#Not not act aggressively during provision of the services, not disturb the representative of the Provider or other Clients while rendering/receiving the Services, not make any statements (verbal, written) not related to the topic of consultancy or practice;

-#Not not use the information received from the Contractor in ways that can or will result in damage to the Contractor's interests;

-#Not not use the materials provided by the Contractor with the aim#of#making#functions by duplication and#nbspreplication (publications in press and other# publications,#public#performances) and other# ways;

-#Not not distribute in any way, including to third parties, not copy,not store,not post,not publish in public,closed, open sources for any range of people (including for their own use) the information, materials, recordings, videos provided in frames of services rendered by the Contractor;

-#Not not distribute advertisement and not offer the services of third resources, their services or services of third persons.

7.1.6. While receiving the services to evaluate her/his physical condition adequately, to balance the risks of the assignment with her/his well-being and bear such risks independently

7.2 The Executor undertakes:

7.2.1 Organize and Ensure the proper provision of the Services specified on the Site.

7.2.2 Provide the Services within the time# specified on the Site.

7.2.3. To use all personal information and confidential information about the#customer only for providing the Services, not#transmit and#not# show to# third persons#documents#and information#nbsp about#nbspthe#customer.

7.2.4 Provide the Customer with the required information related to the content, scope and quality of the services.

8. Rights of the Parties.

8.1 The Customer has the right:

8.1.1 Demand proper and timely provision of the Services by the Executor.

8.1.2 Contact the Executor about all issues related to rendering of the Services and also to ask questions related to rendering of the Services.

8.1.3. To refuse to mailing by email;

8.1.4. Receive the services in the amount and time# specified on the Website.

8.2. The Executor has the right to:

8.2.1. Involve co-executors or third parties at his# choice to provide the services.

8.2.2 Independently determine forms and methods of rendering the Services with consideration of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, and specific conditions of the Offer.

8.2.3. Independently determine the composition of specialists rendering the Services.

8.2.3. At# its# own# discretion# determine and set# the# cost# of# the# Services.

8.2.4. Provide the Services only after the Customer has made an advance payment and acceptance of this Offer.

8.2.5. Receive from the Customer any information required for fulfillment of his obligations under the Offer. If the Customer fails to provide information or provides incomplete or incorrect information, the Contractor has the right to suspend performance of his obligations until the required information is provided in full.

8.2.6. Suspend, limit or stop providing the Services to the Customer at any time with or without prior notice.

9. Liability of the Parties and resolution of disputes.

9.1 The Parties are liable for non-performance or improper performance of their obligations under this Offer in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

9.2. The Executor is not responsible for impossibility of rendering the Services by the Executor/acceptance of the Services by the Customer if such impossibility has been caused by the disturbance in Internet network, software or equipment of the Customer.

9.3. Any demands of the Customer are considered only on the basis of the justified written request sent to the Executor at the addresses specified in the present Offer.

9.4. In case the Customer violates any of the Customer's obligations provided by the Offer, the Contractor has the right to refuse to fulfill the Offer and to terminate the Agreement.

9.5. In case of a dispute the Parties will take all possible ways of its# settlement. If it is impossible to settle the dispute, the Parties shall submit it to the court in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

9.6. At rendering the Services in form of consulting or practice blocks, in case the Customer withdraws from# this Agreement after the beginning of rendering the services the Executor has the right to withhold the cost of actually rendered services under the Agreement calculated as total cost of services under the Agreement divided by the total number of days of blocks of rendering the Services and multiplied by number of blocks rendered until date of receipt of the Customer's notice of withdrawal#from# the Agreement by the Contractor, regardless#of# whether#the Customer#was# present#on#the days of rendering the Services or not. In this case the Executor also withholds a fine in amount of the difference between the total cost of services under the Agreement and cost of actually rendered services under the Agreement. The Client agrees that this fine is a compensation for the Contractor's losses, and in case the Client withdraws from the Contract after starting the services, the Contractor will not be able to engage another Client due to the fact that each successive block of consultation or practice can only be learned by being present at the previous block of consultation or practice.

10. The term of validity of the Offer. Grounds and order of termination of the Offer.

10.1. The Offer comes into effect from the moment of the Customer's payment for the Contractor's services in the ways specified in this Offer and at the Contractor's site, and is valid until the Parties fully fulfill their obligations.

10.2 The Offer does not need to be stamped and/or signed by the Client and the Contractor and will have full legal effect.

10.3 The Contractor reserves the right to amend the terms of the Offer and/or withdraw the Offer at any time at its sole# nbsp;discretion. In case#of#amendments#to#the#offer,such#amendments#will#be#activated#from#the#publication#of#the#website,unless#the#other#activity#date#is# specified#in#the#publication#of#the#offer.

10.4 The Offer may be terminated ahead of time by agreement of the Parties at any time by signing an agreement on termination of the Offer. In this case the date of termination of the Offer shall be considered the date of signature of the said agreement. The Agreement may be executed in form of exchange of letters, according to which each party expresses its will to terminate the Offer, as well as the order of disposal of the funds is determined and agreed upon.

10.5. The Customer has the right to terminate the Agreement of the Offer unilaterally not later than 2 (two) calendar days before the starting date of the Services. The notice of termination shall be sent in written form to the Contractor's# email address specified in this#offer. In case the Contractor receives from the Customer the notice of termination of the Offer not later than 2 (two) calendar days before the date of beginning of the Services provision, the Contractor shall return the money to the Customer in full amount in the way agreed by the Parties, within 2 (two) calendar days from receipt of the notice.

Upon receipt of the notice less than two (2) calendar days prior to the date of start of services rendering the funds shall not be refunded to the Customer or refunded with taking into# consideration item 9.6 of this Offer.

10.6. The Provider has the right to withdraw from the Offer and stop providing the Services in case the Customer violates the terms of this Offer including any conditions provided in item  7.1. of this Offer.

Failure to comply with the Rules shall be determined by the Customer, including in the representative of the Contractor directly conducting the consultation or practice block.

11. Force Majeure.

11.1 The Parties are relieved from liability for full or partial non-fulfillment of obligations under the Offer if the non-fulfillment is a result of force majeure, namely: fire, flood, earthquake, strike, war, actions of state authorities or other circumstances beyond the control of the Parties.

11.2 The Party which cannot fulfill its obligations under the Offer shall notify the other Party in time, but not later than five calendar days after the occurrence of force majeure circumstances, in writing, with provision of substantiating documents issued by competent authorities.

11.3 The Executor is not responsible for temporary failures and interruptions in work of the Internet resources of the Executor and loss of information caused by them.

12. Other terms and conditions.

12.1. The Parties acknowledge that if any provision of the Offer becomes invalid during its validity term due to the legislation change, the rest of the Offer provisions are obligatory for the Parties during its validity term.

12.2 The Executor is not responsible for the result of use or usefulness of the rendered Services. In case of non-compliance of the Services provided within the framework of the effective Agreement-Offer with the Client's needs, the Contractor shall not be responsible.

13. Details of the Contractor and contact information.

PE Kochkurova A.V.

INN 632147461289

OGRNIP 321774600799470

Date: 06.10.2022